1. Purpose. These Rules are intended to further the purposes of the Association and set out the norms by which the Association carries out the authority granted it under the Bylaws, and to provide members and boxers the standards and obligations applicable to ratings, sanctioned bouts and other Association activities.
2. Application. These Rules apply to all actions and decisions of the Association regarding ratings, sanctioning of bouts, conduct of bouts, requests for explanations or reconsideration, appeals, and related matters, and apply to all members and affected boxers and their agents.
3. Interpretation. In those cases when it is necessary, the authority to interpret these Rules is within the sole discretion of the committee and committee chairman assigned the matter under these Rules, and finally with the President.
4. Pre-emption. These Rules apply to all matters within the jurisdiction of the Association, but are superseded by a mandatory provision of law duly adopted and enforced by a national, state, or provincial government.
5. Disputes. Disputes regarding final interpretation and application of these Rules shall be determined finally by the President, and any request for relief from such interpretation or application from a court shall be governed by the laws of the state of residence of the Association, and shall be brought in the courts of that state or Province.
6. Time. If the last day of a time limit ends on a weekend or national holiday in the United States, the next working day shall be the day on which the time limit expires.
7. Any contender for an ABA Regional title must have at least one 8 round professional bout sanctioned by a reputable governing body. Contenders for an ABA National Title must have at least two 8 round bouts on their boxing record.
8. In order for a boxer to qualify for an ABA title fight they must provide proof United States citizenship in the form of a birth certificate or passport that matches a picture Identification.
9. Membership and Qualifications.--The Corporation shall be a membership corporation. Its members shall include boxers, managers, promoters, trainers, physicians, seconds, referees, matchmakers, timekeepers, judges, announcers, media commentators, writers, and boxing fans.
RATINGS. Ratings Committee Chairman: Kit Coughran, americanboxingchampion@gmail.com.
1. The number of members shall be set by the President. The members shall be appointed by the President to terms established by the President. The Committee Chairman shall be appointed by the President.
2. They shall confer and otherwise exchange information regarding ratings at such time in such manner as established by the President or the Chairman.
3. The Association shall publish a monthly list of rated boxers. Rated Boxers are eligible to participate in sanctioned contests. The ratings shall be announced and posted on the Association's website in the month following the month to which the ratings apply.
4. In order to create the ratings the Committee may consider all relevant information, including, but not limited to, regional title holders, bout activity, disqualifications, win-loss records, difficulty of the bouts, technical decisions, failure to make weight, and any other relevant information.
5. The Committee may remove a boxer from the ratings based on any relevant factor including, but not limited to, failure to maintain the required weight, loss to a non-rated boxer, loss of a regional title, inactivity, violation of these rules, or any other relevant factor. In addition a boxer may be removed from the ratings at the sole discretion of the Committee due to extraordinary events or activity, including, but not limited to, proven or alleged criminal behavior, conduct that violates boxing regulations or rules, failure to conform to ABA rules ( including to pay or allow to be paid sanction fees), or other public behavior or statements of type that would affect the boxer's ability to be licensed or to compete legitimately or that are detrimental to the public perception of the sport of boxing.
6. A rated boxer who changes weight categories is not assured of a ranking in his new category.
7. Any boxer removed from the rankings may ask the Committee for an explanation, and appeal the Committee decision, following the appealing procedures.
C. CHAMPIONSHIP: Championship Committee Chairman: Dean Smith, Members: Kit Coughran and Kurtis Coughran.
1. The Championship committee shall consist of no fewer than three (3) members. The President shall serve as a member of the committee.
2. Boxers recognized by the Association as champions, official contenders, or participants in a sanctioned bout are bound by these Rules.
3. An Association Champion may only hold a title in one division at the same time.
4. When a champion obtained a title by defeating a champion he must defend his title within six (6) months, counting from the date he obtained such title, and every six (6) months then after against a rated boxer.
When a boxer obtains the title in an elimination bout for the vacant title, he must defend his title within 120 days, counting from the day he obtained such title, and every six (6) months then after against a rated boxer.
5. If a champion wishes to fight for the title in another division, he must first apply to the Championship Committee for special permit to participate in a fight for another title. If permission is granted and he wins the fight, the boxer must notify the Committee within ten days, which title he is going to keep. Failure to do so the Association will declare his previous title Vacant.
6. An ABA Champion must defend the title every time he fights. If he wishes to participate in a fight without defending the title, he must request and obtain a Special Permit. If a champion participates in a fight without the approval or sanction of the Championship Committee, he may lose the Association's recognition as Champion. When a champion loses in a non defense of the title bout, he may loose his recognition as a Champion, even if he fought under special permission.
7. Champion in Recess and New Champion. When a ABA Champion is unable to defend his title within the prescribed time periods for debilitating medical reasons, legal reasons beyond his control, or any other justifiable reason, the inactive champion may be named a Champion in Recess, and the Committee may select official contenders who will fight for the Title. The medical reasons must be documented to the satisfaction of the Medical Committee Chairman, who also may require separate medical examinations. Legal reasons must be documented to the satisfaction of the Legal Director and Championships Committee. In general, the status of "Champion in Recess" may not be for a period longer than the applicable defense period.
Return of Champion in Recess. When a Champion in Recess returns after having overcome to the satisfaction of the Championships Chairman whatever obstacle that caused his inactivity, the Association may order a title bout between the Champion in Recess and the New
Champion, if one exists, or against another boxer designated by the Committee. If the Champion in Recess is returning from a medical recess, the Chairman may consult with the Medical Committee Chairman and may require the boxer to provide documentation and undergo an examination before he is allowed to return. If the inactivity period of the Champion in Recess extends for more than six (6) months, the New Champion may be obliged to make his first mandatory defense against a boxer designated by the Championships Committee no later than six (6) months counted from the day he won the Championship. A Champion in Recess cannot defend his title as Champion in Recess, and may lose his status if he boxes anyone other than the New Champion.
8. In its sole discretion, the championship committee may reduce, extend, or otherwise modify the periods for mandatory defenses for a good cause, either in response to a request for Special Permit, or on its own initiative.
9. If the Champion fails to comply with any rule of the Association, the Chairman of the championship committee may declare his title vacant.
Each boxer, Promoter and Boxer's Agent is expected to be familiar with all Association rules, including those regarding time periods concerning his obligation to defend, or compete for, a title.
10. When the Champion in recess is able and willing to fight again, he must defend the title against the New Champion. If either the Champion in Recess or the New Champion refuses to fight each other, they may lose their recognition of Champion in Recess or New Champion. If the Champion in recess is still inactive for more than 6 months, he will lose his recognition as a Champion in Recess but will be qualify to fight for the title at any time after he returns to activity.
11. A title may be lost for any of the following reasons:
1. Loss in a bout
2. Violation of Association rules
3. Violation of a bout contract provision; or
4. False statements or misrepresentations.
12. In the event that the ABA title is declared vacant, two ranked boxers shall fight for the title.
13. The Championship Committee, under special circumstances, is empowered to approve a Championship fight at its sole discretion.
14. The Association recognizes that strict application of these rules may be suspended or modified in certain extraordinary situations when justified. In such cases, the Association will consider a request for Special Permit (or Exception) for any of the following reasons:
1. To engage in an optional defense otherwise barred by a mandatory defense requirement.
2. To fight for a title in a different weight division.
3. To engage in a title fight for other organization.
4. To engage I a non-title fight.
5. To fight for a title with a non-rated boxer.
6. To extend or otherwise modify a mandatory defense period.
15. Special Permits may be granted, denied or granted upon certain conditions at the sole discretion of the Chairman of Championship Committee or by the president.
16. A Request for Special Permit must be accompanied by a payment to the Association of $1000 U/S dollars, unless the fee is waived in whole or in part by the President in his sole discretion for good cause shown.
17. The Association shall adopt a Championship Belt as a distinctive symbol for the champion duly recognized in each category by the Association.
When after a reasonable amount of time (30 days) the parties involved in negotiations for a title fight, can not reach an agreement, the Association will call a Purse Bid.
By the sole fact that the Association is based in America the Contest Rules Shall is those adopted by the Association of Boxing Commissions.
Any appeal must be made between seven (7) working days of the date the decision in question has been made.
All appeals should be forwarded to ababoxing.us@gmail.com, appeals process will take no longer than 30 working days from the date of appeal.
Contact Kit Coughran , email ababoxing.us@gmail.com
A Boxers directly affected by a decision of the Ratings Committee may file A) Request for Ranking Information or a Request for Reconsideration, or both
A Boxer directly affected by a decision of the Championship Committee may file a Request for Reconsideration.
A boxer may appeal any of the following if they directly affect him: a) A decision of the Ratings Committee on a Request for Reconsideration; b) A decision of the Championship Committee in a Request for Reconsideration or c) Any Action taken by a Committee or an officer otherwise subject to appeal.
Final decisions made by the President are not appealable.
Any appeal must be made between seven (7) working days of the date the decision in question has been made. on a Request for Reconsideration; b) A decision of the Championship Committee in a Request for Reconsideration or c) Any Action taken by a Committee or an officer otherwise subject to appeal.
Final decisions made by the President are not appealable.
Any appeal must be made between seven (7) working days of the date the decision in question has been made.